Gamemastering class in English – how to run an RPG

Gamemastering class in English – how to run an RPG

A happy and blessed new year to you, friends of dice, of gaming and of running role-playing games!

Are you interested in a small course, in English language!, in how to lead people in a game of D&D, or Call of Cthulhu, or any other tabletop RPG?
On two Saturdays in January (the 18th and the 25th of January), 3PM to 6PM, I’ll be sharing my 20 years’ worth of GMing wisdom with you. The course will take place at the Phantopia library in the basement/ souterrain of block A on campus.
There will be some theoretical input. Most of the time, we will practice prep work for gaming sessions, and we’ll play. After play, there will always be time for reflections and to evaluate what’s worth learning from that. There will be space to discuss your questions about running roleplaying games.
You will need something to take notes with. Würfelsegen/ Dice Blessings (our gaming community) will provide dice and gaming materials.
We have a German website, if you want to peek at what our gaming community does:

If you are interested, please let me know! Enter your initials and check the appropriate boxes in the RSVP form (it’s just a google sheet):

Also let me know there if this is just what you want, but really can’t make it. Maybe you are not the only one and we will need to look for different calendar dates entirely.

Tabletop Roleplaying Gamemastering class/ course
18th & 25th of Jan, 3pm to 6pm
Library room of the Phantopia AG (Basement of block A, Max-Planck-Ring 7, 98693 Ilmenau)
Bring pen and paper
RSVP here:

Feel free to contact me if there is any open question or confusion. I’m looking forward to seeing you there!
of the Würfelsegen / Dice Blessings community

Conrad E. Neubert

Hi! Ich bin der Würfelsegen-Pfarrer. Mit einem Teil meiner Stelle widme ich mich dem Community-Bau bei Würfelsegen, mit einem anderen Teil dem Religionsunterricht an verschiedenen Schulen im Ilmkreis und schließlich einigen Gottesdiensten und anderen Pfarrer-Aufgaben in der Gegend. Ich spiele seit 2005 Rollenspiele und ganz selten noch Ultimate Frisbee. Warum ich das mache? Weil ich echt glaube, dass man durch Rollenspiel-Spaß spirituell wächst. Und, ja, ich glaube fest: Wer die Welt und sich selbst tief genug erlebt, findet dort seine*ihre Gottesbeziehung - nichts anderes ist Glauben.

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